Cocurricular Programs » Bearcat Mentorship: GANAS!

Bearcat Mentorship: GANAS!

How do I become a student mentor?
Are you interested in helping other high school students at Paso Robles High School? Please read the letter below and see if you might be interested to join. 
Please email Coach Carroll at [email protected] if you'd like to become a mentor!

Welcome to Bearcat Mentorship: GANAS!

Dear Future Mentors,

We are excited to have you join our Bearcat Mentorship: GANAS program! To become a member and start making a difference, please follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Join the Google Classroom
Click on the link below to join our Google Classroom:
Join Google Classroom

Step 2: Join the Remind App
Stay updated with important reminders by joining our Remind App using the link below:
Join Remind App

Step 3: Accept the Google Calendar Invite
Look out for the Google Invite for our Thursday Tutorial on September 12th!
In addition, please read "The Case for Peers" and respond by next Thursday, September 12th. You can find the reading material on Google Classroom.

Step 4: Reflect on Helping Others
Answer the question posted on Google Classroom:
"What does helping others mean to you?"

Step 5: Spread the Word!
Do you know anyone else who should join our cause? Please share this document with them and have them email Mr. Carroll at: [email protected] 

Thank you for your commitment to mentorship and making a positive impact in our community. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Warm regards,

Coach Carroll

[email protected] 

The Bearcat Mentorship: GANAS Team